Thanks to Fraser, "The Radio Rover", for this ingenious, easily-made HF vertical antenna.
According to Frasier, this antenna is ideal for "camping, tiny summits, (and) Hotel balconies."
Radio amateurs living in deed-restricted housing will this project a good solution to their operating restrictions.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).
Here are some comments from Frasier:
Build Instructions - build this in 20 minutes!
1. Red banana plug
2. Black banana plug
3. BNC to banana plug adaptor
4. SOTABEAMS Tactical Top Insulator (Part no. TTOP-100)
5. Pre-constructed coax common mode choke
6. Pre-constructed 49:1 transformer (optional for the 40m band)
7. SOTABEAMS yellow lightweight wire (Part No. AWLW-100)
Also, various lengths of heatshrink tubing in red and black and blue. Soldering iron and solder.
1. For the vertical element, Cut 5.5 m (plus a little extra for folding at the top) of wire and solder (tin) one end. Place heatshrink over the wire. Screw onto the red plug. Warm the heatshrink. Loop the top end through the top insulator and secure with tape for testing and later heatshrink for a permanent solution..
2. For the counterpoise, cut two 4.25 m lengths of wire. Strip and tin one end of each wire. Place a thicker and two thinner lengths of heatshrink.
3. Solder the wires together and slide the heatshrink down. Connect to the black banana plug.
4. Slide the smaller heatshrink inside the larger piece and bend the counterpoise wires so that they are 180 degrees from each other. Then use a hot air gun to shrink the heatshrink. The counterpoise wires should cool and remain 180 degrees in opposition.
5. The counterpoise ends can be simply looped and heatshrink used to finish them. Alternatively, attach short loops of guy line and heatshrink on.
The antenna was modelled on EXNEC. Radiation pattern (40m) shown is good in the horizontal plane and gain is -4dBi at this frequency, which is not surprising given its short length.
SWR is around 10:1 for every band above 40m, which is within the range of most tuners. At 40m the SWR is 23:1, which is why I put in a 49:1 at this frequency.
The antenna was modelled on EXNEC. Radiation pattern (40m) shown is good in the horizontal plane and gain is -4dBi at this frequency, which is not surprising given its short length.
SWR is around 10:1 for every band above 40m, which is within the range of most tuners. At 40m the SWR is 23:1, which is why I put in a 49:1 at this frequency.
This effective multi-band antenna will work on 20m-10m with a tuner and with a little extra help, it will also work on 40m. I've already tested this antenna on a rocky mountain top:
• Short HF Multi-band Antenna - 40m-10m!
Here's my video explaining how random lengths work with a 9:1
• Which Balun, UnUn or Choke to use and...
73, Fraser MM0EFI
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Don't let deed-restricted properties (HOA/CC&R) stop you from enjoying Amateur Radio. In this video from AC2RJ, we see how some well-placed trees, a camera tripod, a telescoping fiberglass mast, and a "V" antenna can get you on the air without a lot of effort. Add an antenna "tuner", a sturdy rig, such as the Yaesu FT-817, a microphone/cw key, and a simple grounding system, and you have a fully functional, nearly invisible ham station in your backyard. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these web sites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News &
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This well-produced and richly illustrated tutorial on the classic G5RV HF Dipole Antenna was presented to the Brandon Amateur Radio Society in Brandon, Florida in 2017 by Bernie Huth (W4BGH). Bernie does an excellent job of explaining the pros and cons of this popular HF antenna from the late Louis Varney (G5RV). Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. The G5RV is an excellent choice for the 20 meter band. Performance on other HF Amateur Radio bands is good enough to qualify as stand alone HF antenna if you can only erect one HF antenna. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a wee
If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: Here's a way to use Amatuer/Ham Radio while you work on shedding a few pounds in useful exercise. Why not equip your bicycle for 2 meter/70 cm mobile operation? In this short, well-made video, "taverned" shows us how he used a mag mount antenna, a simple C clamp, and a basic ground system to convert his mountain bike into a mobile station. The project is straight forward, simple, and gives you emergency communications while you peddle down the road. For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information).
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).