Top loaded HF vertical antenna with grounding unit.

Here's another great antenna idea from Australian radio amateur Peter Parker (VK3YE).

In this video, Peter assembles a simple top loaded HF vertical antenna which covers several amateur radio bands.

Thanks to some good grounding over a patch of salt water, this antenna performs very well.

Antenna materials for this project are simple and easy to find.

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Here are some comments from Peter (VK3YE):

Don't have much height but have something metal underneath? If so a top loaded vertical is a great antenna to try. Just 10 metres wide and 5 metres tall it will even load up on 3.5 MHz. Especially if you're over salt water, you're unlikely to get anything better for its size. The key items needed include wire, two poles, a simple antenna coupler (an L-match is fine), something to clip onto the counterpoise railing and a ground tuning unit. I'll probably describe a more refined version later but it comprises a variable capacitor in series with an inductor. It's also desirable to have an RF current indicator. PS: If you liked this video please consider supporting Amateur Radio VK3YE by: * Subscribing on YouTube, * Checking my books page at * Shopping on Amazon via:, or * Shopping on eBay via: (then if you buy something I'll get a small commission at no cost to you)

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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