Building an easy copper-tape VHF window antenna.

If you can't use outdoor antennas for your 2 meter activities, please try this window mounted 2 meter dipole using copper tape.

The antenna is sleek, easily made, and almost invisible to your neighbors--a genuine stealth antenna that delivers good performance without being seen.

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Here are some comments from Gil (

Copper tape can be used not only as shielding but as an antenna element. I bought mine on Ebay. Garden supply stores or hardware stores might carry it. You can imagine many uses on windows and other surfaces. Shirts and mugs: Help this channel:   / radioprepper   Twitter:   / radio_preppers   Facebook:   / radiopreppers   Radio Preppers Forum: DISCLAIMER: The Radio Prepper logo (depicting a microphone) is indeed inspired from a famous flag created in 1775. It is NOTHING BUT a symbol of freedom and independence. It does NOT imply support to any political group. It does NOT imply, represent nor support any ideology with an intent on harming anyone. Freedom means freedom from persecution based on any human trait or belief such as, non exhaustively, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or nationality. The Radio Prepper channel is a technology and science channel with a focus on preparedness and use of radio technology for disaster relief and small group communications in times of need. It is apolitical and open to anyone sharing the same interests. . Subscribe to my alternate platforms: . Send Bitcoins to: bc1qc5jq4dxt7359sh80lkv9v8rlsgnh322hmn6xyc Send Ethereum : 0xe7cC2e415E0D2d1De91604B2b693f124dfBCf9B8 Send Litecoin : LYwDy55mZSeb1Czx6JUiTS5YkqjfmWKK5H

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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