Urban QRP mobile with Elecraft KX2 and a Junk-Box special antenna

Thanks to Linas (LY2H) for this low-impact, inexpensive mobile QRP station which uses locally available materials from his "Junk-Box."

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This is post 2829 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas.

Here are some comments and suggestions from Linas:

This is one more video about the minimalist radio set-ups. This time I took a chance of a nice autumn weather and drove around my native town of Vilnius carrying along probably the best QRP go-box I ever had: the KX2 all-in-one radio and the no-cost, zero-waste mobile whip. I was looking for an answer on how effective could this radio be operating in a noisy and constantly changing mobile environment, running 5W only from its internal battery pack and, even more interesting part, could I be heard radiating with the 122 cm long mobile whip mag-mounted on the roof of my car! So, the answer is YES! It is no problems in making quality QSO's with this set up. I've made 3 contacts with stations from Kazachstan (this QSO left unfinished due to sudden QSB), European Russia and Italy while driving my 20-minute route from the downtown area to my home. I was pleasantly surprised by the sound quality of the KX2's tiny in-built speaker. It was plenty of sound to comfortably listen to the air in the moving car. I called this antenna Junk-box Special No-cost, Zero-waste because it cost me nothing to make, everything I needed I found in my Junk-box! The coil is manufactured by the British G-Whip company. The company is known from 1970-ties, and still is on-run , but I failed to find which antenna this coil was designed for. Tell me if you know! And yes, this antenna is Zero-waste, since I'm not gonna through it away in any near future. And if I need to one day, it's recyclable ! Please leave your comments, consider subscribing and stay informed about the coming videos on this channel! I have just passed the 100 subs level and thus I give a great shout-out to all of you who stopped by!


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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