10 Ultra Stealth Antenna Designs for HOAs. Post #1563.

10 Ultra Stealth Antenna Designs for HOAs. Post #1563.


Author:  KC8VWM.

Accessed on 23 July 2018, 2043 UTC, Post #1563.

Please click link to read the full article.


Operating an amateur radio station from a deed-restricted property controlled by an HOA or some CC&Rs can be quite a challenge.  Before my xyl and I bought a home in the Puna District of Hawaii Island, we lived in apartments or rental homes that had strict requirements for any outside antennas. During those years, I was able to use a variety of loops, loaded verticals, and even mobile whips attached to my old Toyota Corolla sedan to get on the air.  Believe me, this was an adventure.  Over the years, I came across several stealth antenna ideas which have proven useful and even fun to use.

In this article by KC8VWM, we discover 10 clever stealth antenna ideas that should get you on the air without neighbors noticing how much you've "ruined the view" in the area.

In the word of KC8VWM, "This list of ultra stealth antennas has been created in hopes of assisting the radio amateur community who may be otherwise restricted" or prevented from getting on the air from their home stattions:

The weather instrument antenna.
The Solar Power Light Pole antenna.
TV Dish Antenna.
Disguised Portable AM/FM radio dipole,
Elevated Purple Martin Bird House
Fishing Rod Prop antenna.
The tire swing vertical antenna.
The Badminton Net antenna.
Bicycle Prop antenna.
Patio Umbrella antenna.

Try some of these disguised antennas and see what a little camouflage will do to keep you on the air.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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