Adding 80 metres to a 40 metre dipole. Post #1490.

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Here's an easy, inexpensive way to add the 80 meter amateur radio band to your existing 40 meter dipole antenna.  With the solar cycle heading towards the bottom, lower HF frequencies, such as 80 and 160 meters, become dependable, viable bands for radio amateurs.

In this video, Peter Parker (VK3YE) uses end loading coils to make a 7 MHz dipole operate on 3.5 MHz.  If you're willing to sacrifice some efficiency and bandwidth, this antenna modification will get you on the air quickly from your home QTH.

Here are some observations from Peter regarding overall design and construction suggestions for this antenna transformation:

"A 7 MHz dipole made to operate on 3.5 MHz by adding end loading coils. It won't be as efficient as a full sized 80m dipole and the bandwidth will be narrow. However it will get you on the air from a small yard. The antenna here was inspired by and is very similar to VK5AH's 4 band dipole (website ). The only thing that's different with mine is that it has a dipole for 10 metres (not 15 metres) and I didn't use a balun. Coil dimensions: 115 turns of medium sized insulated hook up wire on 40 mm plastic pipe close wound. Length of coil about 250mm - cut your pipe for 270 and preferably 290 mm to allow room for wire thickness variations."


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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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