Multiband HF Portable Antenna, the easy way. Post #1508.

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Nicely done video tutorial from "rcobo 101" (AC2RJ) on how to design, build, and use a multiband HF portable vertical antenna.  The material list is short:  35 feet/10.67 meters of speaker wire wrapped as a helix around a 20 foot/16.097 meters fiberglass pole, a sturdy tripod, an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner"), a basic ground radial system, a CW key, portable power, and a suitable HF transceiver. 

My current vertical at my home station is a variation of this design using 65 feet/19.81 meters of speaker wire mounted as a vertical helix on a 33 foot/10.06 meters telescoping fiberglass pole.  I use 450 ohm ladder line to feed the antenna, which is, in turn, connected to a 4:1 current balun/coax cable combination connected to my trusty Drake MN-4 "tuner."  A modest set of 8 quarter wave radials cut for 7.088 MHz completes the antenna system. The antenna covers 40 through 10 meters without a problem.

The basic idea shown by AC2RJ is a good field expedient HF antenna for Field Day or any other portable operation.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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