Antenna Installation For Aluminum or Non Ferrous Trucks And Cars | weBoost. Post #1416.

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Although this video is aimed at cell phone users and RV (recreational vehicle) enthusiasts, the presentation does provide some suggestions for anyone who uses mobile antennas on current vehicles.  Many cars and trucks these days have very little metal on which to attach an antenna and an antenna ground.  This video offers one way of dealing with that issue.  The video shows you how to use  an adhesive disc to mount a magnet antenna on your aluminum truck or car.  The adhesive discs are non-marring and will not damage your vehicle if they are installed and removed properly. The video lists a telephone number where you can ask for more information.

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Views expressed in this video are those of the reporters and correspondents.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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