The 30 Meter Ham Radio Band, 10mhz Amateur Radio, CW/PSK31/FT-8/JT65. Post #1392.

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Here's a short video from the "HamRadioConcepts" youtube channel explaining the attractions of the 30 Meter Amateur Radio Band (10 MHz).  This video calls the 30 Meter Band a "hidden gem" because there's less noise and better propagation than some other ham bands. Especially interesting is a discussion of how digital modes such at FT-8, PSK31, CW, and JT65 can be used effectively on this band.  All it takes to enjoy this non-contest band is a simple dipole or vertical antenna.  Many modern transceivers include this band in their layouts in addition to the more "classic bands" we use everyday on HF.  Thirty meters is also a good place to practice and improve your CW skills.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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