2-Element Single Mast Wire Beam with 4 Switchable Directions. Post #1171.

2-Element Single Mast Wire Beam with 4 Switchable Directions
Accessed on 26 June 2017, 15:00 hrs, UTC.
Authors:  Chavdar Levkov, Jr. (LZ1ABC) and Chavdar Levkov (LZ1AQ).
Please click link to read the full article.


If you can't erect a tower and a multi-element 20 meter beam on your property, you may want to use this idea from Chavdar Levkov, Jr. (LZ1ABC) and Chavdar Levkov (LZ1AQ).  This 2-element single mast wire beam for 20 meters offers high performance, directivity, and reasonable cost.

The Levkov's present an easy-to-understand, thoroughly documented tutorial on the design, construction, and use of this wire antenna.  The Levkov's provide plenty of photos, diagrams, test results, and construction tips to make this project a success.

The post is divided into several bite-sized discussions:

Antenna description
Switcher schematics
RF transformers
Control Cable
Erection of the antenna
Preliminary results
Appendix (antenna modeling, comments, links to reference sources, and performance videos).

This antenna will fit most urban lots and will provide plenty of action on 20 meters.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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