Four-Foot Vertical 20m Magnetic Wire Loop Stealth Antenna. Post #1174.

Four-Foot Vertical 20m Magnetic Wire Loop Stealth Antenna
Accessed on 29 June 2017, 20:10 hrs, UTC.
Author:  W0QL.
Please click link to read the full article.


This unusual 20 meter magnetic wire loop antenna is based on a design by Russell Prack (K5RP), and was originally  published the "ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume 2", page 39.

W0QL made some alterations to Prack's design, making it nearly invisible to neighbors--perfect for stealth operations.  Although the vertical height of this antenna is only 4-feet/1.219 meters, it performs better than most magnetic loop antennas.

W0QL includes a variety of documentation, including photographs and comparisons with other types of antennas.  If you live in a deed-restricted property (HOAs and CC&Rs), you may want to consider this antenna for your ham radio activities.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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