IoTuesday: WiFi Maximizer with DIY Yagi-Uda Antenna. Post #1086.

IoTuesday: WiFi Maximizer with DIY Yagi-Uda Antenna
Accessed on 30 March 2017, 20:10 hrs, UTC.
Author:  ShawnHymel.
Please click link or enter title URL into your browser search box to read the full article.


The website is a fascinating place for electronics experimenters.  In this article, we see how a few simple parts and scrap material can be used to create a 2.4 Ghz antenna for boosting the signal of your IoT (Internet of Things) devices in your home or ham shack.  This simple antenna can also be used for "fox hunting" and other RF direction finding events.  The antenna exhibits a real world gain of about 6 dBi, making it a worthwhile addition to your shack's equipment.  The article is supported with appropriate photos and graphs.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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