160M antenna for small lots or gardens. Post #1068.

160M antenna for small lots or gardens
Author:  OZ1CX.
Accessed on 11 March 2017, 20:35 hrs, UTC.
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As the solar cycle declines to minimum, it's time to explore the lower HF bands (160, 80, and 40 meters) to see what they offer during this period of poor propagation.  These bands don't suffer the severe loss of signals now being found on all bands above 40 meters.  Forty meters is usable both day and night, with 80 and 160 meters doing fairly well after sunset and just before sunrise.  Perhaps it's time for you to get on 160 meters and see what's happening.

The one great drawback for 160 meters is the size of the antenna, where a full-size horizontal dipole can reach more than 260 feet/79.26 meters for 1.800 MHz. Even an inverted L antenna can be large.  Vertical 1/4 monopoles can be unwieldy unless you have some tall trees in your yard.

There are a few antenna designs that will work in limited spaces, including this small, practical Do-It-Yourself (DIY) inverted U antenna from OZ1CX. He provides a simple step-by-step tutorial on designing, building, and using the inverted U as an effective 160 meter antenna.  OZ1CX offers valuable suggestions, graphs, photos, and EZNEC models to help you along in the building process.

According to OZ1CX, the inverted U antenna performed very well during the 2017 CQWWW 160M SSB contest.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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