Kite Sloper Antenna for 7 MHz. Post #1076.

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Here's an interesting field antenna for those of us wanting to experiment with unconventional antenna designs.  In this video, Stan Gibilisco (W1GV) discusses the theory, design, construction, and use of a kite-supported antenna for the 7 MHz (40 meter) Amateur Radio band.  I've seen a few of these antennas in action at various ARRL Field Day events, and they seem to work as long as the wind continues and the weather is clear. Please don't use this antenna during a thunderstorm...Benjamin Franklin was lucky--you may not be as fortunate as this 18th century American experimenter.  In this video, Stan describes a rather long (approximately 500 feet/152.430 meters) wire supported by a parafoil kite with the wire making an angle of 30 degrees above ground.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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