Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Ham Radio 40 meter homebrew ground mount vertical

If you're having trouble viewing this video, please enter this title link into your browser search box: Nicely done video tutorial from K8YIO on how to design, build, and use a basic quarter wavelength 40 meter vertical antenna.  The radiating element is made from interlocking pipe sections, measuring approximately 33-feet/10.06 meters. Be sure to attach a ground radial or counterpoise system to this antenna.  The ground radial system supplies the "missing half" of the antenna.  The number of radial elements can vary from 4 to 120, depending on how much wire and real estate are available.  In my moist tropical environment on Hawaii Island, I've found a radial system consisting of 12 to 16 quarter wavelength wires adequate to produce a low angle of radiation and to keep SWR fairly low.  For the truly adventurous radio amateur, try an elevated radial system.  You'll get the same or better performance using only 4 to 6 radial elements.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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