Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Sloped Dipole Experiment. Post #683.

If you're having trouble viewing this video, please insert this title link into your browser search box:  Here's an interesting antenna that is suitable for small city lots and for portable operations.  Dave (K4WDG) does an excellent job of explaining the theory, design, and use of this dipole variant.  Dave has two ham shacks and owns two commercial radio stations, so he is familiar with most of the antenna theory that supports this antenna.  This antenna is simple, inexpensive, and offers some directivity in the direction of the slope.  You can change the direction of your signal by tying off the sloped dipole to various stakes placed in your yard.  The upper end of Dave's sloped dipole is approximately 35 to 40 feet/10.67 to 12.19 meters above ground. I've built a few sloped dipole antennas and they work very well.  If you feed a 40 meter sloped dipole with 300 ohm television twin lead or 450 ohm ladder line and attach this feed line to a balanced tuner (or through a 4:1 balun and a short length of 50 ohm coaxial cable to your tuner), you'll have a multi band antenna capable of covering all amateur radio bands between 40 and 10 meters. For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars. These news feeds are updated daily.  You can follow our blog community with a free email subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed.  Thanks for joining us today!  Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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