Simple Ham Radio Antennas--W5DXP's Antenna Web Page. Post #689.

W5DXP's Antenna Web Page
Accessed on 15 February 2016, 03:37 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Cecil Moore (W5DXP).

Cecil Moore (W5DXP) offers the homebrew antenna enthusiast some innovative and cleverly-made antenna projects.  Here are some of Cecil's great projects:

W5DXP's  no tuner All-HF Band Antenna.
Useful modifications to the popular ZS6BKW Antenna.
A multi-Band 33-foot / 10.06-meters Dipole Antenna.
Half-extended Double Zepp Dual Band Antenna.
NoTuner Shortened Folded Dipole Antenna.
Rotatable Dipole for 40 m-6m.
Current Distribution on Antenna Systems.

Cecil also has included several articles on mobile antennas and antenna transmission systems.  Lots of good ideas in this section.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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