Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Receiving Antennas Will Be Focus of Free Webinar. Post #700.

Receiving Antennas Will Be Focus of Free Webinar: Receiving Antennas Will Be Focus of Free Webinar.
Accessed on 27 Februrary 2016, 01;35 hrs, UTC.
Special thanks to Ken Claerbout (K4ZW) and The Daily DX.
TAGS: Carlos, Daily DX, evening, experiences, foundation, free webinar, Jose, Ken Claerbout, low-band receiving antennas, place, Registration, thanks, Thursday, time zones, topic, utc, Waller Flag, Wide Radio Operators, World, WWROF
“High Performance RX Antennas for a Small Lot” will be the topic of a free webinar by Jose “JC” Carlos, N4IS, and sponsored by the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF).

Carlos will explore basic concepts of receiving antennas and share his experiences with low-band receiving antennas on a small lot, including the Waller Flag.

The webinar will take place on March 4 at 0200 UTC (the evening of Thursday, March 3, in US time zones). It will run for about 1 hour.

Registration is required. — Thanks to Ken Claerbout, K4ZW, via The Daily DX.


This free antenna presentation should be of interest to radio amateurs, antenna designers, and the "Maker Community."  The webinar will last approximately 1 hour.  Contact Ken Claerbout (K4ZW) for more information.

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