Ultra portable antenna tower for ham radio, cellular, camera etc. Post #603.

If you're having trouble viewing this video, please enter this URL into your browser search box: https://youtu.be/mtIFMNd9RnA. This is an interesting portable amateur radio tower made from stainless steel.  According to Scott Whitney, the tower is light, portable, and about 34 feet/10.36 meters long.  The tower is collapsible and can be stored in your garage or vehicle for emergency or portable use. You may need a friend to help raise this tower, given its height.  Raising the tower with a beam antenna and rotor attached may present a few problems as well.  Nonetheless, this tower is a nice piece of engineering and appears to be well-made.  For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars. These news feeds are updated daily.  You can follow our blog community with a free email subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed.  Thanks for joining us today! Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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