KE1Q's "Winch-It-Up" Universal Mast Launcher. Post #599.

KE1Q's "Winch-It-Up" Universal Mast Launcher.
Accessed on 17 November 2015, 06:24 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Craig Lund (KE1Q).
To view the entire article with step-by-step instructions and photographs, please insert this URL into your browser search box:

I found this fascinating article while I was searching for antenna mast ideas on the website.
Although this not a "simple" antenna construction article, two people equipped with some basic tools, lumber from a home improvement store, and a few parts from a marine supply outlet should be able to design, build, and use this mast support in a few days of casual work.  Craig outlines this project in easy-to-follow-steps and illustrates the process with excellent photographs.  The completed project can be used for Field Day, vacation operating, or even at home.  The construction is sturdy and should stand up to the weather.
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