Simple Ham Radio Antennas: Ham Nation - HF Mobile Antennas. Post #357

Nicely paced video from author/instructor Gordon West (WB6NOA) on mobile HF antennas. Gordon does a good job of covering the basics of mobile operations, including the type of HF mobile antennas available, the importance of grounding, and how to get a match close to 50 ohms for your rig. Much of what Gordon discusses here can be applied to other compromised antenna situations, such as HOAs and CC&Rs. If you live in this type of situation, some of the mobile HF tips suggested by Mr. West could give you a way of getting on the air with a good signal and still remain mostly hidden. In fact, you may want to design your home antenna around a mobile antenna. Some of the newer mobile antenna designs are quite stealthy and put out a good signal. Perhaps a "Little Tar-Heal Antenna" or an ATAS-120 would get you on the air with a minimum of space and nosey neighbors. It's worth a try. For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars. These news feeds are updated daily. For more Amateur Radio news, please visit my news site at You can follow our blog community with a free email subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed. If you can't view the video, please visit the youtube site at: Or you can search for the title directly at "Ham Nation-HF Mobile Antennas." Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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