Simple Ham Radio Antennas: Free online magazine Antentop 01- 2014 is ready. Post #362.

Free online magazine Antentop 01- 2014 is ready.: " Free online magazine Antentop 01- 2014 is ready.
Free online magazine Antentop 01- 2014 is ready.
It contains 41+ topics, including:
Antenna Theory: Linear Array Theory- Part II;
HF- Antenna Practice: 44 Feet Dipole. Where is theTruth?: Lawn Antenna: Buried Antennas for  Emergency Communications: Simple Broadband Antenna for the 40- meter Band: Directional Antenna UA6AGWV. 7.00: Antenna UA6AGW in Experimenters byRU1OZ : Antenna UA6AGW V.40.20:Field Antenna UA6AGW V.40.21: Shortened Antenna G5RV for 14- 50- MHz Bands: Shortened Dipole Balcony Antenna for the 20- meter Band: Simple Window Loop Antenna: Simple Folded Dipole Antenna for the 20- meter Band: Simple Wire Antenna for All HF- Bands: Twin Triangle Antenna for the 10- meter Band: Compact Twin Delta Antenna for the 80- and 40- meter Bands: Delta Antenna for 80-. 40-, 20- and 15- meter Bands:Windom UA6CA for 80-, 40-, 20- and 10- meter Bands: Air Plane HF Antennas.
And other chapters: VHF- UHF Antennas, TV Antennas, Useful Pieces, Tube Transceiver, Tube Transmitters, Regenerative Receivers, Antenna Tuning Units and so on.

Best Regards and 73.
Igor, va3znw.
Article courtesy of
Interesting online antenna magazine created and published by Igor (VA3ZNW). I've noted a few interesting antennas that are worth more investigation, especially those designed for restricted spaces, such as the simple window loop antenna and the "Twin Triangle Antenna for the 10-Meter Band."  Have fun!

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

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