
Showing posts with the label Deploying a J-Pole Antenna to a tree

Deploying a J-Pole Antenna to a tree

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browsers search box: This is post 2531 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. Trees make excellent support for a variety of HF/VHF/UHF antennas.  The trick is to get the antenna high enough without snarling the wire and feed line. In this video from "biblesnbarbells", we see the easiest way to launch a J-Pole antenna into the upper branches of a tree.   Although a rock is handy, I prefer something a bit more accurate--such as a slingshot or a bow and arrow. Here are some comments from the video: In this video I demonstrate how to deploy your J-Pole Antenna using a tree branch as a base. I used 25 feet of high viz paracord, tied one end to a rock. I tossed the rock ofer the tree branch and tied off the remaining paracord on the base of the tree. Next I removed the rock and tied the other loose end of the paracord through the antenna and hoisted up