Compact Homebrew End Fed QRP Antenna.

Here's a simple, inexpensive HF antenna that will serve you well in portable operations or at your home shack.

Wil (WI9LL) shows how build this basic HF antenna from readily available parts.  Why not build this antenna for your emergency "go kit" or for that next impromptu visit to a nearby park?

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Here are a few comments from Wil (WI9LL):

built this antenna specifically for low wattage QRP use to be compact and inexpensive. It utilizes a 9:1 unun wrapped on a T106-2 toroid and minimal hardware to be lightweight. Here is a video of me testing the antenna with WSPR mode. The results surprised me:    • 20m WSPR Test on Tiny End Fed Antenna  

 Thanks for joining us today.

 Russ Roberts (KH6JRM).


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