20 meter vertical half-wave dipole with inverted-vee lower elements.

I ran across this fascinating antenna article in the 14 September 2023 issue of "Amateur Radio Daily."

Author Tom Pierce (K8EBR) discusses the theory, construction, testing, and use of this easily-made dipole antenna.

Views expressed in this article are those of Tom Pierce (K8EBR).

Source:   https://daily.hamweekly.com/2023/09/20-meter-vertical-half-wave-dipole-with-inverted-vee-lower-element/ ("20 meter vertical half-wave dipole with inverted-vee lower element").

Please click link or scroll down to read Tom's article.

Russ Roberts (KH6JRM)


September 14, 2023

"Thanks to Tom Pierce K8EBR for submitting his write-up of a 20 meter vertical half-wave dipole. Tom describes an outstanding antenna for DX primarily because it is an efficient radiator, it exhibits a true 50 ohm input impedance, and it has an almost ideal horizontal toroid low angle radiation pattern."

Source: Tom Pierce K8EBR open_in_new

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