Building a 6 meter dipole antenna and testing the 3-D printer

3-D printers are becoming popular with radio amateurs because of the antenna accessories that can be made at modest cost.

In this video from Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW), we see how a 3-D printer can simplify the design and construction of a basic 6 meter dipole antenna.  Six meters is becoming active again thanks to the evolving Cycle 25 Solar phenomenon.

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Here are some comments from Kevin (KB9RLW):

Leonids meteor shower was starting up, so I needed an antenna for 6 meters. Let's make a dipole. Thingiverse link to the dipole center insulator: If you like my videos, please subscribe here: If you want me to keep making more videos like this, consider becoming my patron at Patreon: Discuss this and other videos on Facebook:

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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