Simple Ham Radio Antennas--An All Band Loop. Post #749.

An All Band Loop Antenna
Accessed on 17 April 2016, 05:37 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Howard Walker (KI4VEO).

If you have a large lot and want to experiment with the properties of loop antennas, then this article from Howard Walker (KI4VEO) may be what you need. Since Howard was blessed with several tall trees on his 4-acre property, he decided to string up a full wave loop antenna covering the amateur radio bands between 160 meters and 10 meters.  Howard ended up with a 570-foot/173.78 meters wire loop antenna that brings in plenty of DX during his time on the air. In this article published on, Howard discusses the construction techniques and the equipment needed to erect this large loop antenna. I've used full wave loop antennas in the past, albeit not as large as Howard's project.  My current 40 meter delta loop is fed with 450 ohm ladder line into an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner").  This modest antenna does an excellent job on all amateur radio bands between 40 and 10 meters.  If you choose to erect a large loop antenna following Howard's example, be sure to get the help of a few friends.  This will be a huge undertaking.  For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars.  These news feeds are updated daily. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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