Simple Ham Radio Antennas--8 Element Log Periodic Yagi(Home Brew). Post #753.

If you're having trouble viewing this video, please insert this title link into your browser search box: A great video showing a father (VK2FJC) and his son, Corey (VK2FCOR) making and testing a homebrew 8 element log periodic dipole array.  Corey and his dad salvaged parts from 2 ANT, 4 element 20 meter antennas to make this homebrewed antenna. This video shows the pair testing the newly constructed antenna with a Rigexpert AA-520 antenna analyzer.  The analyzer is doing a sweep from 14 MHz to 30 MHz.  Log periodic antennas are a bit large and heavy for the HF bands, but many radio amateurs have managed to make a few with outstanding results.  Log periodic antennas are also used on VHF and UHF segments of the radio spectrum. For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars.  These news feeds are updated daily.  Thanks for joining us today! Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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