Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Dipole Center-Loaded with Ladder Line. Post #713.

If you're having trouble viewing this video, please insert this title link into your browser search box:  One of the simplest, effective antennas you can make is the center-loaded dipole fed with 50 ohm (RG-58, RG-8, RG-8X) cable or with 75 ohm (RG-59 or RG-6) cable.  This antenna is cut for the frequency band of your choice and is most effective and efficient as a monoband antenna.  Multiband operation can be obtained by using 300 ohm television twin lead or 450 ohm ladder line connected to a balanced tuner or a balun to tuner combination.  Stan Gibilisco (W1GV) does an excellent job of explaining the theory, design, and construction of this classic half wavelength dipole antenna, which can be used for a single band (coax fed into your transceiver) or multiband purposes with ladder line into a tuner.  Most of the materials for this basic antenna can be bought at the nearest hardware store or home building supply outlet.  Placed as high as you can get it, this simple antenna will deliver hours of great contacts, both local and international.  For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars.  These news feeds are updated daily. You can follow our blog community with a free email subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed.  Thanks for joining us today!  Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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