Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Simple Loop Antenna for 20-10 meters. Post #574.

If you have trouble viewing this video, please insert this URL into your browser search box: An excellent video from Lynn (NG9D), showing just how easy it is to build and erect a full wave loop antenna covering the amateur radio bands between 20 and 10 meters. You can change the polarization by attaching the feed line at various points around the full wave loop.  You will need an antenna transmatch (i.e. antenna tuner) to tune out the reactance as you switch bands.  I prefer using 450 ohm ladder line or 300 ohm television twin lead for my feed lines. These feed lines are attached to a 4:1 balun and then connected to my trusty Drake MN-4 antenna transmatch with a short length of RG-8X coaxial cable.  The loop is a quiet receive antenna and should give you about 2dB gain over a dipole antenna.  Loops are fun to make and can be assembled from materials around your shack or from the bins at the nearest hardware or building supply store. Have fun!  For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars.  These news feeds are updated daily. You can follow our blog community with a free email subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed. Thanks for joining us today! Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM). 


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