Introduction to the 6 meter amateur radio band 50 to 54 MHz. Post #565.

If you have trouble viewing this video, please insert the following URL into your browser search box: Here is a good, basic tutorial on the "Magic Band" known as 6 meters.  The band can be considered "magic" because it displays characteristics of both VHF and HF propagation. The six meter band sits on the edge of worldwide propagation and line of sight operations. You never know what 6 meters will do on a given day.  The video is well-presented and easy to understand.  Antennas for this band are fairly short. A dipole antenna for 6 meters (at mid band) would measure approximately 9 feet/2.74 meters.  For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars.  These news feeds are updated daily.  You can follow our blog community with a free email subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed. Thanks for joining us today!  Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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