KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

This has been a busy month--not much time to operate
on the old Swan 100-MX.  Hawaii just experienced its
primary election with  all the hoopla and news coverage
that surrounds politics in Hawaii....My newsroom was
a busy place for at least a week.  In more pleasant news,
The Big Island Amateur Radio Club and the Hawaii QRP
club hosted Russian QRP (RU QRP) club co-founder Oleg
Borodin (RV3GM) and his XYL, Olga (RA3GKB) on
September 11th at Hilo's Wailoa State Park.  Oleg, who
serves as the Elecraft representative in Russia, was invited
by Dean, KH6B, to spend a brief vacation on the Big
Island and to  bring local hams up to date on amateur radio
activities in Russia.  Oleg had an excellent presentation on a
variety of Russian QRP expeditions, including the "Moroz"
(Frost or frozen) nose competition held during the winter.
Oleg also passed his U.S. Amateur Extra Exam earilier in
the week (I was part of the VE team).  Oleg is a great guy
and I gained a new perspective of the challenges faced by
many hams outside the United States.  Now that the work-
load is slowing down for the weekend, I just might be able
to squeeze in some ham time before the next week begins.
Have a good weekend....73 de KH6JRM.


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