Full Wave Horizontal Loop Antenna.

Not many of us radio amateurs have the space to erect a full-wave HF horizontal loop antenna.  In many cases, such a project is reserved for special events, such as the ARRL Field Day or extended emergency/portable operations.

On those occasions where a full-wave loop antenna can be used, you'll be mildly surprised just how good that "classic" antenna works.

In this video from Ed (N7PHY), we see how well a full-wave 160 meter horizontal loop antenna worked at the 2020 Washington State QSO Party (The Salmon Run event).

Ed takes us step by step through the design, building, testing, and use of the excellent HF antenna.  You can modify this design to fit any amateur radio HF band from 160m through 10m.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycwOTbTCpos

Here are a few remarks from Ed (N7PHY):

One Ham's experience with a horizontal loop antenna. Setup for the 2020 Washington State QSO party (Salmon Run) in Ferry county. Presented to the Edmonds Woodway Amateur Radio Club on March 11, 2021 by N7PHY.


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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