Folded Dipole Antenna and Wave Propagation by "Engineering Funda."

An excellent discussion of the folded dipole antenna-its theoretical basics, structure, operation, and impedance characteristics. 

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Here are some comments from Professor Hitesh Dholokiya:

In this video, I have explained Folded Dipole Antenna by following outlines: 1. Folded Dipole Antenna 2. Basics of Folded Dipole Antenna 3. Structure of Folded Dipole Antenna 4. Operation of Folded Dipole Antenna 5. Input Impedance of Folded Dipole Antenna 6. Multi Element Folded Dipole Antenna 7. Radiation of Folded Dipole Antenna 8. Advantages of Folded Dipole Antenna 9. Disadvantages of Folded Dipole Antenna 10. Applications of Folded Dipole Antenna Engineering Funda channel is all about Engineering and Technology. Here this video is a part of Antenna and Wave Propagation. #FoldedDipoleAntenna, #ImaginaryGroundofFoldedDipoleinAntenna, #RadiationofFoldedDipoleAntenna, #DisadvantagesofFoldedDipoleAntenna, #AntennaandWavePropagation


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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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