Frame Antenna vs Magloop Antenna (Indoor Test), part 2

In part two of his Frame Antenna Project, Paul (OM0ET) completes the antenna and compares it to a Magloop Antenna in his apartment.

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Here are a few comments from Paul (OM0ET):

Part 2 of the series about the home made Frame Antenna project. In the first part I have built my first Frame Antenna ever ( ) In this part I wanted to test this Frame Antenna in practice indoors and as a reference antenna I used my famous portable Magloop Antenna UltraLight MC-20 ( ). Outside was very cold and windy winter weather with approx. 0C so I decided to make this video rather indoors. I hope you enjoy the video ;) Best 73, Paul. PS: sorry for poor audio, I didn't had an external lavalier mic. #FrameAntenna #MagneticLoopAntenna #Comparison


Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).



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