Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Fishing Rod Vertical. Post #897.

Fishing Rod Vertical
Author:  Melchlor Varela (EA4FRB).
Accessed on 15 September 2016, 23:45 hrs, UTC.
Please click title link or insert title URL to read the full report and to see the accompanying video.


Here's another idea for a portable vertical antenna which is easily made, highly portable, and inexpensive.

In this post, Melchlor Varela (EA4FRB) creates a simple, easily assembled HF vertical antenna that covers the 20, 30, and 40 meter amateur radio bands using a fishing pole mast, some wire, and a homemade coil which is tapped by using alligator clips.  The antenna is based on a design by EB5EKT. This antenna would make a perfect portable or emergency antenna.  The accompanying video shows you how to make this simple, effective vertical antenna.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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