Simple Ham Radio Antennas--HF Multiband vertical antenna selection. Post #523.

HF Multiband vertical antenna selection

Please click on this link to read the full article and to get a supplementary data sheet in the pdf. format:

Excellent article that compares five popular commercial HF vertical antennas found in amateur radio stations.  The antennas include:
The Cushcraft 128; The HyGain AV-640; The Butternut HF6V; The GAP Titan DX; and the Eco 7+.  You can get an expanded view of the data for each antenna at this URL:

The data come from Simone Mannini, IW5EDI, who lives in Firenze, Italy.  He is an active antenna experimenter and has several intriguing antenna designs on his attractive web site.

Although these antennas represent some of the best commercial HF verticals around, there are several lower priced vertical antennas by Newtronics/Hustler that will still a good job for the budget-minded ham.  You may want to try the Hustler TV4B, TV5B, or the TV6B.

If you're somewhat adventurous and want to save money, "homebrew" your own HF vertical antenna.  Don't forget to use a radial ground system or counterpoise for your vertical.  Good luck!

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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