My favorite Amateur Radio antenna books. Post #239

If you've been an amateur radio operator for any length of time, you probably have a good collection of parts, books, magazine articles, wire, coaxial cable, connectors, and basic tools to support your hobby.  This "junk box" is part of our amateur radio tradition...making do with what you have on hand.  I'm no exception.  In my 36 years as a licensed amateur radio operator, I've accumulated a wide collection of items, ranging from books to spare rigs.  Of course, the collection circulates a bit through trades, upgrades, giveaways to newly licensed hams, and, finally, to the recycling station.

One of the things I rarely sell or giveaway is my growing collection of books related to Amateur Radio and Amateur Radio antennas.  Many of these volumes were bought when I was newly licensed or successfully upgraded my license.  Nowadays, the task of assembling an Amateur Radio library is easier, thanks to the internet, Amateur Radio-related websites, and the outstanding archive of technical information available to ARRL (American Radio Relay League) members.  Nonetheless, I still collect books about radios and antennas.  This tendency must have been acquired when I was once a librarian at the University of Hawaii at Hilo Library.  But, that's a strange tale best told at another time.

As mentioned previously, my xyl and I are moving our household to a larger rural property in the Puna District of Hawaii Island.  As part of that process, I've been going through my "junk box" and sorting out the items I wish to transfer to our permanent home.  The items worthy of retaining include my old rigs (Swan 100 MX, Kenwood TS-520, Yaesu FT-7, and the Ten Tec Argosy II).  My antenna transmatches (Drake MN-4 and the MFJ 941-E Versa Tuner), the slightly used Elecraft K3, and my collection of wire, coax, and connectors are also coming with me.  My antenna book collection was the last category to be inventoried.  I'm still in the process of sorting that collection into the "keep" and "no keep" category.  Over the next few weeks, I'll make a complete list of the antenna reference materials that will make the "cut".

So far, these volumes have been retained, many for sentimental reasons:

A current edition of the ARRL Handbook and ARRL Antenna Handbook.  Both of these works are basic reference materials that every Amateur Radio operator should have.

"The Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook" by William I. Orr (W6SAI) and Stuart D. Cowan (W2LX).  This book provides many simple, practical, and inexpensive antenna ideas using locally available materials.

"73 Vertical, Beam, and Triangle Antennas" by Edward M. Noll (W3FQJ).  A basic book for antenna experimenters.  All you need to make Ed's simple antennas are a telescoping mast, some aluminum tubing, ingenuity, and a desire to explore antenna design.

"Novice Antenna Notebook" by Doug DeMaw (W1FB).  A concise introduction to antenna theory, construction, and maintenance of simple wire antennas.  I've tried most of Doug's ideas with great results.

As I continue my packing routine, I'll list some more of my favorite antenna books.  Building antennas and simple kits are a good way to expand your knowledge of Amateur Radio.  Besides, all of this "hands on" experience is fun.


The ARRL Handbook and ARRL Antenna Handbook are available from the ARRL, 225 Main St., Newington, CT, 06111.

These books may be out of print.  They occasionally turn up on e-bay:

DeMaw, Doug (W1FB).  Novice Antenna Notebook.  ARRL, Newington, CT, 06111.  First Edition, Copyright 1988.

Noll, Edward M. (W3FQJ).  73 Vertical, Beam, and Triangle Antennas.  Editors and Engineers.  Indianapolis, IN, 46268.  Seventh Printing, 1979.

Orr, William I. (W6SAI) and Cowan, Stuart D. (W2LX).  The Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook.  Radio Publications, Inc. Box 149, Wilton, CT., 06897.  First Edition, 1978.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

BK29jx15--along the beautiful Hamakua Coast of Hawaii Island.


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