Two Amateur Radio Icons remembered. Post #228

This week, the Amateur Radio Community lost two of its most illustrious pioneers.

On Friday, 13 September 2013, Wayne S. Green II, W2NSD ("never say die") passed away at age 91 at his New Hampshire home.  Green was editor of "CQ Magzine" for 5 years, founded "73 Magazine", which ran until 2003, and published some of the early computer magazines, including "Byte".

Green was an occasional guest on Art Bell's (W6OBB) "Coast to Coast AM" overnight talk show.  Green expounded on many topics, including amateur radio, AIDS, cancer, and cold fusion.  Although he was a constant critic of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), he maintained his membership in the organization, urging the national organization for amateur radio to explore new technologies and include more construction projects in its publications.

Wayne was frequently witty, sarcastic, and funny.  Wayne, who was often called a gadfly and an irritant,was one of the early pioneers of VHF/UHF repeaters and an advocate of using computers for amateur radio applications.  While many of Green's views on health, education, and government were controversial, his views always had a grain of truth and forced you to think through your own assumptions.

On Sunday, 15 September 2013, John "Jack" Althouse, K6NY, died at age 90.  Althouse was the president of Palomar Enginners and the author of the popular Kurt Sterba " Aerials " columns from 1999 to 2012 for "World Radio".  The articles demolished antenna myths with humor, logic, and often sarcasm.  Althouse was active until earlier this year.

Both of these amateur radio operators will be missed.  Rest in Peace.


The ARRL Letter, 19 September 2013, Newington, CT, 06111.

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BK29jx15--along the beautiful Hamakua Coast of Hawaii Island


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