Antenna Topics


Welcome back to my original Amateur Radio Blog, which has been retitled:  KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Antenna Topics.

This blog has been idle since late 2012 because of my changing job situation and the expansion of my original blog topic to include the latest Amateur Radio News.

The news blog began early this year using my original title: KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog (

When I started reporting Amateur Radio News, I found the task complicated by an oversupply of information and a lack of time to follow my experimental antenna ideas.  The reaction to my news blog has been gratifying and I refer those interested in the latest Amateur Radio developments to access that site.

I've also received some notes about my neglect of simple antenna ideas--a subject that was the original focus of this antenna blog.  So, I've split my interests into two blogs that will hopefully answer both inquiries.  My revised antenna blog will be found here--

I plan to make several posts a week, teaching schedule permitting, of course.  All of my original antenna posts are at this site, as well as on the news blog.  I will keep this site very informal.  Most of my comments will be drawn from my antenna notebook, which records both my successes and failures in making homebrew antennas.

From time to time, I will also review equipment that I've found helpful in pursuing my Amateur Radio interests.

In summary, I now have two Amateur Radio blogs--one concentrating on Amateur Radio news and trends ( and the other focusing on homemade antennas (

As always, your comments are welcome.  Where possible, I will cite references and guidance received from my research, so you can build and improve what I've done.

My comments aren't those of a professional antenna designer or electrical engineer.  They are the result of my efforts to understand what works and why.  Although I've had almost 40 years of commercial broadcast experience, I still consider myself an "amateur" and a searcher for practical knowledge that works.

So, please join me at either site.  I'll keep you up to date on the latest Amateur Radio happenings, as well as my attempts at making the "ideal" antenna.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Aloha from Hawaii Island,

Russ Roberts, KH6JRM


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