KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

Hawaii is observing Tsunami Awareness Week with
a variety of educational and public service campaigns
sponsored by local and state organizations.  In light
of the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in
Japan, this week has special significance for those
of us living on Hawaii Island, which is attached
firmly to the "ring of fire."  Back in 1946, an April
Fool's Day tsunami took out much of the Hilo
bayfront with a huge loss of life.  And in 1960, a
tsunami struck the city again with large losses of
property and life.  So, all of the curent uncertain-
ty surrounding the Japanese tsunami, earthquake,
and nuclear power plant problems resonates strongly
here.  Hawaii escaped with only property damage
from the 11 March incident.  Even that was serious
enough to prompt a disaster declaration from Gover-
nor Neil Abercrombie.  One can't afford to be com-
placent these days.

Eversince the last tsunami, local residents have regained
a sense of urgency and preparedness I thought was
slipping away.  The incident forced many of us to
examine just how prepared we are in the event of
a natural disaster.  The radio station is in pretty good
shape, with a disaster plan available to staff, generators
ready to go, and back-up equipment availabe.  The same
goes for the amateur radio station at the qth.  I've made
a few emergency antennas and a new "go" kit for the van,
just in case some event drops in.  The XYL and I restocked
our food inventory, expanded our water supply, tuned up
the generator, and made sure each vehicle has at least a
half-tank of fuel.  My neighbors are doing similar activities.
Hopefully, the events of the past few weeks will serve as
a sober lesson that humankind really doesn't control Nature.
Living on an island in the middle of nowhere makes you
appreciate just how vulnerable we really are.

Have a good weekend....Aloha es 73 de KH6JRM


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