J-Driven Element for a 70 cm band Yagi Antenna.

 Thanks to Peter Miles (VK6YSF) for this interesting 5-element, 70 cm, Yagi Antenna.

According to Peter, the use of a J-driven element makes the construction of this antenna easier and more efficient.

If you neet to contact a distant 2-meter repeater or station, this antenna will do the job.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks5ZaZlLxgQ.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from Peter (VK6YSF):

With the goal of producing and easier to construct driven element for a 70cm band Yagi than the more difficult to construct folded dipole the Half Folded Dipole or J-Dipole popularised by Kent Britain W5VJB was selected as a more simpler to construct alternative. This interpretation of Kent’s design is an all-Aluminium construction and consistent with my previous construction techniques used for the 5 element 70cm band Yagi that allow for ease of construction, experimentation and optimisation of the antenna. Previous 70cm Yagi antenna with standard Folded Dipole driven element:    • 435MHz (70cm) 6 Element Yagi Antenna ...   Cheap Yagi and matching by Kent Britain WA5VJB: https://www.wa5vjb.com/yagi-pdf/cheap...

Peter Miles (VK6YSF)


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