Ham Radio Satellite Contacts on my Mini-Antenna Array.

 In this video, Alex (VA3ASE) continues his experiment into building an antenna array for amateur radio satellite communications.

In this edition, Alex discusses controllers and QSOs for those seeking to build a home-based satellite antenna array.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QwgEdkbMQo.

Thanks for joining us today.

Here are some comments from Alex (VA3ASE):

In my last video I assembled a "mini-array" for amateur radio satellites. I used two Arrow II antennas phased together for circular polarization, mounted on a Yaesu G-5400 az-el rotator. Today we build the controllers to steer the antennas, finish the station assembly, and get on the air for our first QSOs with the new setup. Check out "The Radio Artesian" K3NG's website for more details and source code for the rotator controller. https://blog.radioartisan.com/arduino...



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