Using cheap cable TV coax for Ham Radio.

 Thanks to Steve (KD2WTU) for this clear, concise, and overall excellent tutorial on using inexpensive 75-Ohm RG-6 coaxial cable for Ham Radio antennas and accessories.

I've been using RG-6 for years to feed my various HF dipoles without any matching problems.  To get a better match, one can always use a combination of RG-58 (or RG-8X) and RG-6 to form a matching transformer.

Steve discusses both the pros and cons of using RG-6 feedlines. But, on the whole, RG-6 works well for monoband dipoles, since the SWR will rarely exceed 2:1.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are a few comments from Steve (KD2WTU):

In this video I detail how I use regular ol' 75 ohm, RG 6 Cable tv coax for my amateur radio station, and the pros and cons of doing so. Link for PL 259 to Type F adaptors on amazon: Link for PL 259 screw on connectors on amazon:



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