Vertical Hamsticks Dipole | H.O.A. Ham Antenna Hacks.

 Thanks to experimenter A.J. Modelz for this intriguing way to get on the air from a HOA-restricted home, apartment, or condominium.

All you need are two identical "Hamstick" antennas, a few pieces of metal, some nuts and bolts, and a coaxial cable to return to the airwaves without your neighbors reporting such activities to your HOA board.

The project in this video focuses on the 17 meter band (18.068 MHz-18.168 MHz), although the same design could by used for any HF amateur radio band.

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Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from the video:

Ham Radio Operators - this could be a solution to enjoy making contacts if you have H.O.A. antenna restrictions.. Update: I was able to contact a station on 17M today (9/10/22) with this vertical configuration. They were about 1,200 miles away in a far Northeastern region of Quebec Canada. Hamsticks Dipole Mount/Bracket Hamsticks USED AMATEUR RADIO GEAR Ham Radio Gear Reviews and more... DISCLAIMER: I may earn commissions from links clicked in this Video Description

AJ Modelz


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