Practical Foil Metal Antennas


If you've run out of wire and metal tubing for your next antenna project, why not use widely available copper or aluminum metal tape for that next portable antenna?

In this video, John Portune (W6NBC) explores the design possibilities of metal foil tape, which can be found at the nearest hardware or home improvement outlet.

John shows us how to create "various small sized tape HF & VHF antennas" from that roll of foil tape you may have hidden in your garage.

The projects are easy-to-make and offer acceptable performance for home station or portable use.  No special tools or metal fabricating expertise are required to make these antennas.

If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box:

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

Here are some comments from John (W6NBC):

Hams are used to building antennas out of copper tubing, aluminum tubing and wire. However, there are other very versatile materials available; which allow for the construction of some unique antennas. John, W6NBC, will discuss this subject with a presentation titled “Practical Foil Metal Antennas”. His presentation contains, among other things, a good technical tutorial covering: • Tape width and thickness to handle power. • Skin effect issues. • Antenna efficiency. • Examples of how to design various small sized tape HF & VHF antennas. John has written many articles for QST. He also has a very interesting web site at


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