The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas (AD #128). Post 1773.

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Every once in a while I like to indulge myself with some of the "classic" antennas that advanced the art and science of radio communication.  One of my favorites of the 1930-1940 era is the Rhombic Antenna, which is still used by some shortwave broadcasters, the military, and even a few radio amateurs.

In this video from Dave Casler (KE0OG), we get a good historical background and basic theory of this remarkably large antenna.  Although most of us don't have the real estate for such gargantuan antennas, it's fun to dream of putting one on the air.  The only time I used one of these antennas was on an ARRL Field Day many years ago, when my local club managed to secure temporary use of a large private property in the Puna District of Hawaii Island.  The antenna was most successful in snagging stations from the east coast of the U.S. mainland, Asia, and even Africa. Those were the days.

According to Dave Casler, the "phenomenal directivity" and extreme "low elevation angle" of the Rhombic made it the "king of antennas" for solid point-to-point HF contacts.  Dave does an excellent job of outlining the history, theory, and general characteristics of this "classic" antenna.  Although I would like to make one for my station, I just don't have the space to do the antenna justice.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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