Don's 2 Meter Extreme Dream Beam Antenna. Post #1444.

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A thoroughly fascinating, free-ranging discussion on how to build an extremely efficient, cost effective 2 meter beam antenna with a claimed gain of 12.5 dBi.  This video is slightly different than most DIY (do it  yourself) video guides.  Don and his friend actually show how they shopped, selected, and tested their materials before assembling the antenna.  All of the parts were obtained in neighborhood stores.  The video also explains how these two radio amateurs used an antenna analyzer to determine performance stats for frequency and SWR.  You may want to make one of these "Extreme Dream Beam Antennas" for Field Day or for your home station.

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Views expressed in this video are those of the authors, unless otherwise stated.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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