Super Expedient Stealth 160 Meter Antenna. Post #1389.

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Designing, building, and using a 160 meter antenna for a small urban lot is quite a challenge, especially if you live in a deed-restricted area.  "HamPrepper" made this "junk bin" special to see if he could get on 160 with a decent signal with just some material he had around his ham shack.  The antenna works, aided by the use of 300-ohm feed line and a sturdy MFJ-989c "tuner."  The privacy fence does a lot to hide the antenna from prying eyes.  If you use this type of antenna, be sure to place as many ground radial as you can to reduce RFI and SWR, as well as increase antenna efficiency.  The old tale is true:  a compromised antenna is better than no antenna.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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