Getting around HOA antenna restrictions. Post #1382.

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Here's another stealth antenna for those unfortunate enough to live in deed-restrictive housing (i.e. HOAs and CC&Rs).  This antenna consists of a LDG S9v31 antenna with 24 radials made from CAT 5 cable. 

Like many things in life, antenna use in an HOA/CC&R situation implies a certain amount of risk, so be careful how and when you build, erect, and lower the stealth antenna.  Another workable alternative is to use a "flagpole" mast to support our national colors as well as support a simple vertical with a buried radial system.

The best stealth antenna I've used is an "on the ground" antenna designed by Tom Moia (K3MT).  Just search my blog pages or index for this antenna.  A google search will turn up variations of this unlikely antenna which does work, given its limitations.  In any case, this post should give you some ideas for getting on the air from a deed-restricted home.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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